Fires in our Lives: What Message Do They Give?

The Carr Fire in Redding, California impacted me deeply this week.  I have been thinking about other fires in my life, like our house burning when I was a young mother, and two years later our dairy barn burning down.  These experiences, along with the relational fires that have been in my life,  brought to mind some important truths:

  1. All things (even fires) do work together for good . . . . for the purpose of helping us become more like Christ.  (Romans 8:28 -29).

  2. There will be a Final Day, when each of us will walk through a judgment fire. (1 Cor. 3: 10-15)

  3. We can chose complacency now or we can live actively for the purpose of being ready to face our Final Day with God.

  4. How we build on our house (i.e. our soul) is really important.  We need to choose to use materials that are lasting (Christ-like) and will make it through the judgment fire.  We must recognize and discard those materials that are combustible (self and flesh-stuff), and throw them into the fire now, instead of waiting for the Final Day Fire.

  5. When we question what the purpose of our daily existence is (Why am I alive?), perhaps the idea of building our soul up in alignment with God’s will is the best answer.

I hope that any one who has suffered through a fire (either physical or emotional) will be blessed by the hope that there is a Godly purpose in the fire. 



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